Starting from the 15th January 2019 the ACT government has changed the way it awards contracts in its support for local businesses doing the right thing. Business tendering for construction, cleaning, security or traffic management work will all need a Secure Local Jobs Certificate and will need to meet the Secure Local Jobs Code (Link). They will also be required to finish a Labour Relations, Training and Workplace Equity Plan if the value of the work is over $25.000.

Secure Local Jobs has been put in place to strengthen the ACT Government procurement practices, and in the process awarding the business that meet the highest ethical and labour standards. The new requirements foster a more ethical and fair procurement process for those employers while holding them to meeting their industrial and legal obligations. From 7 November 2019, businesses that want to provide services worth more than $200,000 to the ACT Government will also need a Code Certificate and Plan. The Secure Local Jobs Code sets out the workplace standards for Canberra service providers, including;

  • pay and employment conditions
  • insurance, tax and superannuation
  • health and safety, including training and inductions
  • collective bargaining, freedom of association and representation rights.

Secure Local Jobs Code Certificate

A Secure Local Jobs Certificate is given to business that have meet the Secure Local Jobs Code and confirms a business meeting those standards. After the 15th January 2019 businesses will need a Secure Local Jobs Certificate before they tender and for the duration of the project. Vince Ball, Executive Director of CITC has been approved as a Secure Local Jobs Auditor and to access the Application please press the link below. For any further details please contact Vince Ball on (02) 6273 0326, his mobile 0407 269 691 or by email at

For further information visit: Secure  Local Jobs Code

For an application form visit: Procurement (PDF) Certificate Application  Form

Please forward all paperwork once completed to Vince Ball

(Fees apply)

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