Better skills and training for the ACT construction industry.
The ACT Regional Building and Construction Industry Training Council Incorporated (CITC) was established in October 1988 to promote the importance and benefits of systematic training, job satisfaction and personal development and to improve and facilitate training and workshops for better knowledge, efficiency and skills for the ACT and region construction industry.
The CITC is recognised as the peak industry advisory body for training and professional development for the construction industry in the ACT.
The CITC was established in 1988 as a not-for-profit organisation and has members from employer and employee organisations, construction companies, registered training and group training organisations as well as government representatives. The CITC is registered with and regulated by the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission.
The CITC is governed by an executive committee that is formally elected every 2 years by the Council Members and its operations are overseen by an Executive Director.The Executive Committee meets formally every 2 months, and the Full Council meets 3 times a year to discuss all training and professional development activities and issues.

Our council members are local employer and employee organisations, private construction companies, registered and group trainers and the ACT Government.
Michael Hiscox
Adrian Clarke
Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT)
Jason O'Mara
David Colbertaldo
Fred Barbin
Electrical Trades Union
Elton Willis
Master Painters ACT/NSW
Industry Advocacy
We promote to the construction industry the importance and benefits of systematic training, job satisfaction and personal development.​
Information Exchange
We promote, undertake and grant assistance in the interchange of training information and of programs between those engaged in the industry within Australia & overseas.

CITC is approved by the ACT government to audit businesses for compliance with the Secure Local Job Code. ​​​​
Events & Awards
Since 2003 CITC's annual apprentice awards recognise and celebrates the leading apprentices for the ACT
region. We provide information on current Notices from relevant Authorities & Bodies, Amplifying Coming Events of CITC and other Authorities.
Industry Training
We improve, promote and facilitate training, tuition, courses, seminars and workshops for improving knowledge, efficiency and skills.​​
We prepare, publish and disseminate publications about available training assistance.

We improve, promote and facilitate surveys to identify the training and manpower needs of the industry for the development and implementation of policies, plans and programs to meet these needs.
Established over 35 years ago
Annual Apprentice Awards
Annual Industry Surveys
Apprentices Recognised
Contact Us
Unit 1 First Floor, 89-91 Tennant Street, Fyshwick ACT 2609
T 02 6273 0326
E info@citc.org.au
Secure Local Jobs Code Audits
Unit 1 First Floor, 89-91 Tennant Street, Fyshwick ACT 2609
T 02 6273 0326
E vince.b@citc.org.au
CITC Consultancy Services
Unit 1 First Floor, 89-91 Tennant Street, Fyshwick ACT 2609
T 0421074572
E jayjay@citc.org.au